Spezielle Patienten
Manche der von uns betreuten Menschen brauchen eine spezielle Behandlung. Sie sitzen im Rollstuhl oder haben durch Landminen Beine oder Arme verloren. Manche sind blind, oder einfach nur alt und krank. Im Flüchtlings Camp Loi Kaw Wan haben wir eine Frau angestellt, die sich speziell um diese Leute kümmert. Kham Hsen ist als Sanitäterin von einem deutschen Arzt ausgebildet worden. Ihr Aufgabenbereich beinhaltet auch Kranke in ihren Hütten zu besuchen und sich dort um sie zu kümmern. In ihrem kurzen Bericht erzählt Kham Hsen von ihrer Arbeit
My report from October 13. – 17. 2012
In this month my activities, I went to Loi Kaw Wan clinic. I took some flower our house and I grew plants in front of the clinic. I take care a new patient, his name is Lon Leiak, I want to talk about his history, he had hands the both amputee patient and near a year his wife left and right now he depends on the clinic. He cannot cut foot nail by himself and I bought a nail clipper and I cut by foot nail. Aung Kham is healthy. In October 17.2012, I take from you grief me digital blood pressure monitor and I take care Par Kyung. I want to talk about her history, she in Thoed Thai. She is 65 year old. She feel heart disease a long time right now her feel very sick. Her left hand is very shake the time. I had seen her I am very sad. She had a son and daughter in law but the both is abnormal and poor. I take care her and I gave her some chocolate biscuit. I sent to you some photo my activities. Thank You,